Sacha Fortuné is a Digital Communications Specialist with over 15 years of experience in private & public sectors in the Caribbean. She also provides a range of writing, editing, design, and communications consultancy services to regional and international clients through her agency Fortunink.
A former national scholar from Trinidad & Tobago, she holds a Master’s degree in International Journalism from the University of Westminster and a Bachelor’s degree in Media & Cultural Studies from the University of Lancaster, both in the United Kingdom. She also has a Professional Certificate in Digital Strategy from The Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business in Trinidad & Tobago.
See Corporate Experience
- Product Manager, Public Websites | Digital Content & Website Analytics | Web & Intranet Services
– RBC Financial (Caribbean) Limited-
- Webmaster with oversight of all website content updates for the RBC Caribbean website, serving >1 million clients in 10 countries. Skillset includes: strategic planning, content management, web development, vendor management, project management
- Key projects:
- Migration & Redesign of the RBC Caribbean website to reimagine and improve the client experience. Conversion of a vast content base of >2000 webpages into <75 streamlined optimized pages, improving efficiency by 80%
- Launch of the RBC Caribbean Digital Banking Hub, and spearheading of the transformation and relaunch of the Credit Cards site to create single-point access sites with a knowledge base for all clients and staff
- Product Manager, Public Websites | Digital Content & Website Analytics | Web & Intranet Services
- Marketing Officer (Web)
– invesTT & Evolving TecKnologies & Enterprise Development Company [eTecK] Limited-
- Development, launch, and management of the National Investment Web Portal
- Redevelopment of Tamana InTech Park website
- Writing for social media channels, intranet, press articles published in Express and Newsday, and various websites
- Marketing Officer (Web)
See Entrepreneurial Experience
- Owner, Fortunink Professional Writing & Design Services
- Current and past clients include: Futuress, Multitudes, Bikini Books, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Dr. Bruce Bird, Premier Heart Care, New Wave Wellness Consultants, Caribbean Telecommunications Union, PCS Nitrogen [now Nutrien], DIRECTV, Computer-Aided Draughtsman Services (CADS), The Therapeutic Workshoppe, The Voice of Lupus Foundation, and Stelt Graphix.
- Owner, Fortunink Professional Writing & Design Services
- Author: Sacha T. Y. Fortuné
- Published author of the Hart & Cole series, and a short-story collection Amalgamated Darkness
- Author: Sacha T. Y. Fortuné
- Co-founder of WellnessConnect, Trinidad & Tobago
- Editor-in-Chief, and Writer of over 65 feature articles on health and wellness professionals in the Caribbean
- Co-founder of WellnessConnect, Trinidad & Tobago
- Freelance writer
- Writer for articles in Caribbean health and lifestyle magazines including U Health Digest and MACO Magazine
- Freelancer (writing, editing & proofreading jobs) with various companies including Prospect Solution UK & Fiverr
- Freelance writer